Easily Flood Your Sites With A Relentless
Torrent of FREE Money-Making Google Traffic...
"Push-Button Search Domination Weapon
Captures Multiple Top Rankings For Prized Keywords Overnight By
Unleashing Maximum Firepower of Proven On-The-Rise SEO Tactic!"
"Discover Why Google Is Rapidly
Re-Shuffling Its Search Results... and How You Can Take Advantage of
This Changing Landscape To Beat-Out The Pack... And Even Have A Fair
Shot At Some Of The Most Competitive Search Positions Previously Far
Out of Reach."
From: Rod
Beckwith and Jeff Alderson
Dear Friend,
The tipping point has
been reached. Google is transforming at rapid speed.
No longer are text web
pages the easiest way to get top search rankings. Far from it.
There's a different
type of content popping-up like wildfire on the Google results...
replacing old rankings for even the most competitive terms.
By Harnessing Its Full Power, You Dominate
The Google Rankings In Record Time.
What are we talking
Take a look for
yourself at the competitive term "Golf swing:"

Notice anything about
these results?
The top 4 listings for
this ultra-competitive term are all videos. They're listed on
free submission sites like YouTube and VideoJug.
Moreover, this is far
from unusual.
It's Part of A Transformation 2 Years In
The Making.
You see, the move to
video rankings didn't happen overnight.
Google began slowly
including more video rankings starting in 2007.
However, technological
limitations kept video on the sidelines.
But, now that's all
changed. Video is replacing old content at a break-neck pace.
According to a recent
interview with Google's VP of Search Products & User Experience
1 in 4 searches now show so-called
"Universal" listings, which include videos.
Virtually All of The Most Competitive Terms
Show Videos On Either The 1st or 2nd Pages.
We're talkin terms
like "Marketing," "Mesothelioma," "Forex," and every term under the sun.
And here's
where it gets good for you: Google's demand for
video has skyrocketed. Publishers aren't keeping-up.
This means to capture
Google rankings there are FAR fewer videos you're up against than text
web pages.
For instance, there
are an astonishing 671 MILLION pages on Google with the
ultra-competitive term "Marketing" in them. Normally, getting
a top ranking for this term is virtually impossible.
That is, unless you go
after positions reserved for videos -- where you're up against a more
achievable number of around 135,000 videos.
Other Profitable Terms May Only Have A Few
Dozen Competing Videos You Can Effortlessly Beat-Out For Top Spots.
NOT hundreds of thousands if you used text.
For most terms, you can submit a video and
watch it get ranked-in Google hours
High-quality free traffic from Google and
the video submission sites rush-in.
But, that's not all videos do.
You Even Get Traffic From Search Terms You
Didn't Optimize For.
For instance, when a user clicks on "How to
swing like Tiger Woods" video in Google (it looks like this:)
...The user is shown other similar videos
after he or she is done watching:
When the user then gets to your videos, you
then link back to your website...and rake-in the FREE high-quality
Google traffic otherwise out of your reach.
Of course, videos aren't perfect.
They come with a major drawback...
It Can Take HOURS To Submit To
Just A Few Video Distribution Sites.
Just consider: For only 1 video,
for each site you've got to:
This process can take 10-20
minutes. Just a couple dozen submission sites takes
away 6 hours from your day. And, fact is,
you've got other pressing tasks on your plate.
Luckily, it doesn't have to be this
way. You can unleash maximum profits from your videos with
less time, energy, and effort.
Just Point, Click, and
Upload To Over 37+
High Google Page Rank Video Submission Sites.
Let me introduce you to
Instant Video Uploader by Jeff Alderson and Rod Beckwith.
You may be familiar with some of our other top-selling tools, including
Press Equalizer, Article Equalizer, and dozens more.
Instant Video Uploader is a
downloadable software you run on your computer to easily upload videos
to 37+ leading video submission sites. You get the maximum
results possible out of your videos at lightning speed.
AREN'T any complicated scripts or on-going monthly fees.
All of the leading video
submission sites are now at your finger tips. You save a
Of course, you may be
"What If I Don't Have Any Videos To Submit?"
The best part is you don't
need to create videos to profit from them.
How's this
possible? To prove Instant Video Uploader works, we submitted
old pre-made videos we had the Private Label Rights to. ZERO
time was spent creating the videos. Each was about
60 seconds long.
Let's take a look at the
"Increase Golf Swing Speed"
And, remember, these aren't
the highest-quality videos. If you take more time creating
your videos, you get even better results.
The bottom-line is...
You Now Have An
Opportunity To Own The Results For Key Terms!
If you're just submitting
to YouTube, you're missing-out on a fortune. It has the most
traffic, but there are sites Google likes to rank much better.
Not to mention, 1
submission is only 1 chance for a top ranking.
But, what happens when you
submit to 37+ submission sites? You have a far better shot of
not just claiming 1 top ranking... but, you can potentially capture
multiple top rankings for the same keyword!
You may gain 2-10 spots for
one term.
Let's take a look at how
quick and easy it can be to reach all of those sites with Instant Video
Instant Video Uploader
Works In 3 Easy Steps:
your video's information you want submitted:
click on each account of your choice to be automatically logged-in and
have your information filled-in:
and hit submit! You're now done. You can
submit to each submission sites in 10-20 seconds a piece.
Though it can't be 100% automated, it's pretty darn close --
95%. 6 hours a video transforms into minutes.
You can review how your submissions went at any
time by looking at the history tool:
Simply put, instead of wasting your entire day
submitting to only a dozen sites -- you get submitted to over 37 at
lightning fast speed.
And if this time savings wasn't enough, you also
get a free semi-automated sign-up tool to make creating your video
submission accounts a breeze:
Just use this tool your
first time and all of your data is saved for future use.
Take A Look For Yourself
At Instant Video Uploader In Action:
Here's The Full Range of
Benefits You Receive:
Profit from Google's
rapid move to "Universal search" to get much easier top 10 rankings
than if you used any type of written content.
Submit to up to 37+ of the top
high-traffic video submission sites (including YouTube, Google
Video, Viddler, and many more you can't easily find on your
Get dozens of
incoming links from high-PR authority sites (the two lowest have a PR
of 3 and both of these are full of traffic).
Capture multiple prized search
positions for the same keyword. By submitting to 37+ sites,
your videos dominate your keywords' results!
Flood your sites with
gobs of targeted traffic from leading video submissions sites (YouTube
alone now rivals Google in page views).
Get traffic from search terms
you don't target directly. Visitors click on someone else's
video listing in Google, are sent to YouTube, and then can view your
related videos!
Account sign-up tool
makes creating your accounts for all of the video sites quick and
easy. 6 hours of hard tedious labor transforms into a minor
30 minute breeze.
enough time to dominate dozens of keywords in a day with
point-and-click ease!
History tool shows
you exactly how each of your submissions went. Unlike other
submission services, you know exactly whether your videos
really got submitted.
Store unlimited video
information for easy re-submission You just pop-it open and
put it into action.
Plus, much more.
Listen, if you've waited to
take full advantage of video up to this point, that's okay.
Google was slow to include video in their results. However,
the game has now changed. The tipping point has been reached.
Video Is Exploding.
The amount of positions
reserved for video is sky-high... and it's only going up from here.
All this means is you now
have a choice. You can continue on your current path...Where
you miss-out on easy rankings and lose a fortune as a result.
And, the competition happily takes your place.
OR... you can unleash the
full power videos with Instant Video Uploader. You stay on
top of the changing landscape with ease...and leave the competition in
your dust.
You now own a shortcut
secret weapon to claim prized money-making search positions
overnight. You own the rankings.
Best of all,...
Your Investment For
Instant Video Uploader Is A No-Brainer.
After all, just consider
your options when it comes to submitting videos.
Sure, you can try to find
somebody to submit your videos manually. But, that's going to
easily cost you $20.00 for just 1 video submission. 10 videos
sets you back $200.00. 50 submitted over a year costs you
On top of this, you have no
idea if your outsourced employee actually did submit your video to all
of the sites you requested. And you don't need an extra
babysitting job. You have enough on your plate.
On the other hand, with
Instant Video Uploader,...
You Just Pop-It Open and
There AREN'T any
complicated scripts to install or huge on-going fees -- which would set
you back hundreds of dollars a month.
You capture prized search
positions overnight with submission to all of the leading video
You would have a tough time
finding all of them on your own.
Best of all, the one-time
investment isn't as much as you might expect. It's NOT $197, $147
or even $97, which
we've charged for tools in the past. It's a drop in the
bucket with a tiny one-time amount of only $47.
That amount is easily paid
back with just 1 video submission for the right search term.
You Also Get A $97.00 Bonus Tool, Instant
Audio Uploader, FREE When Grab Your Copy Today!
To make this an irresistible offer, we're
giving away a valuable tool called "Instant Audio Uploader."
This tool was going to be sold alone for $97.00. But, when
you act today, you get it for free.
You can't get this tool
anywhere else.
Instant Audio Uploader submits your audio
recordings to leading directories with click-button ease.
Your recordings might be teleseminars, interviews, or short recordings
you put together yourself.
Your recordings then move from only being
heard by your own list of customers to reaching new targeted
prospects. They spread around the net.
Instant Audio Uploader currently has a list
of 40 directories it submits your audio to. Just click and it submits.
Here's an inside look:
Now, normally, without Instant Audio
Uploader, you have to spend countless hours manually submitting to all
of these directories (if you could even find them all).
Now, the same job is done in minutes.
The bottom-line is you're now a double
threat. You not only dominate with video using Instant Video
Submitter, but you conquer the Audio traffic as well with Instant Audio
you will also receive the following 7 killer bonuses...
Now YOU Can Finally Learn All
the ins and outs of Creating Your Own Video Product...and it's broken
down into simple terms ANYONE can understand!
you ready to learn what marketing experts have known for quite awhile
about creating your own video products? It's simple with this step by
step guide.
A $37 Value
Terry Telford did a very
comprehensive audio interview with Jay Douglas. Jay's been creating
high quality
internet video since about 2001. Thats four years before YouTube came
onto the scene.
a master at creating high performance sales videos. These are videos
that help you sell your products. If Jay creates a video for you,
you're pretty much guaranteed your products are going to start flying
off the shelf.
A $27 Value |
Videos are taking over the Internet
and are quickly replacing many forms of online communication and
of us carry digital
cameras with us all day every day in the form of cell phones that can
be used to record short videos. These videos can then be easily
uploaded to a wide variety of video sharing websites or your own blog.
How easy is that?
A $37 Value |
Don't get left behind - eating your
competitor's video marketing dust...
With the The Video Cash Blueprint, you can access a
definitive course on how to create your videos and how to capitalize on
them to boost your profit and further establish your own enterprise as
one of the Internet's best.
A $47 Value
videos are amongst the latest Internet marketing tools. The very basic
idea behind every business is to generate the maximum profits, which
can only come from an expanding customer base. Online videos are now
being used to lure more and more customers to buy from a company. It
does not matter what product the company manufactures. Online videos
have the
potential to provide a huge boost to the sales of every type of product
A $27 Value |
"A Proven
Method To Drive Traffic For Free In Just Minutes!"
Google loves online videos.You can choose the most
competitive field in your market place, type the keywords on Google,
and chances are, a video will appear on the first page.
Used correctly, your online videos can become a
selling platform all by itself. In fact, in works better than sales
copy because it's multimedia. People engage to online video better than
the printed text on a page.
A $67 Value
A Stunning Total Value of
$339.00! And We Will Throw In An Addtional Surprise Bonus You Won't
Want To Miss...
Your Investment Is Secure!
other software products that go out of date quickly, you get FREE
upgrades for both Instant Video and Audio Uploaders. This
means you always own the latest, up-to-date versions.
So, if a new feature comes-out that boosts
the value of these two tools, you don't have to pay anything extra. You
get the new advancement free of charge.
Plus, both of these tools also get regular
updates to keep-up with new submission sites. If a hot new
video site or audio directory comes on the scene, it gets added.
This truly makes getting your copy a risk-free
deal. But, there's more. To give you even more
confidence, you also get our:
We're so confident you're
going to love the
results you get with Instant Video and Audio Uploaders...When you grab
your new copies right now,
you get our ironclad, 100% 60-day risk-free guarantee!
This means you get to take your copies for a
risk-free test-run. If you don't explode your traffic,
profits, and capture more profitable search positions...or you aren't
thrilled for any reason at all, just let us know and your investment is
promptly returned.
So, go-ahead and start enjoying your copies
of Instant Video and Audio Uploader in minutes from now.
Every minute you wait equals easy profits you miss-out on.
You can literally submit your first video
today and wake-up tomorrow to see results.
With this deal, you
can only gain by getting your copies now...
Get Your Copy of "Instant
Video Uploader" Now For Only $197
$97 $47
You can download it right now --
even if it's 2:00 a.m.!
Jeff Alderson
Rod Beckwith
The search engines are changing fast. Now's the
time to take advantage of video. Instant Video Uploader makes
unleashing the full power of video (where you own the rankings for top
keywords) a point-and-click game.
There's no other way to so easily profit from video submission sites...
and WITHOUT shelling-out HUGE monthly fees or dealing with installing a
complicated script! Instant Video Uploader runs on
your computer and is 100% accountable to you. You know
exactly how it performs and know with certainty what sites your videos
are submitted to. Maximum results are gained from each of
your videos. Instead of just 1 shot at a search position, you
get 37 -- to capture multiple spots from each video.
site and the products and services offered on this site are not
associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google and YouTube,
nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google and YouTube.